Glow up and nourish your skin

Hello, Pretty faces! Do you prefer to get up early in the morning and do a skincare regime? I think now, you just take a shower and head to your office. glow-up, Am I right or am I wrong, you better know about it? I even understand the situation that getting up early just for doing the routine can be difficult for you but not more than the problems your skin suffers.

I was so tired from getting up early and doing a proper skincare routine. At first, I just used the facewash but I then realized that I started to get many pimples on my skin. That was the point I started taking care of my skin. So,  I started with the plan for myself, and let me disclose it to you as well so that you can follow it and take care of your skin. Are you ready to know about all the beauty plans that can make your skin glowy?

Glow-Up Routine

Start with Cleansing Oil

First, wipe your skin with a wet towel to release all the dirt and you can get a clear view. Then you need to use a cleansing oil, as it is one of the best products that make the skin oil-free and dirt. We have different types of skin and if you are having oily skin then this is a must-use product.

Even though I have oily skin, I always choose to use this because it absorbs excess oil from my skin. Let me tell you that I use Deep Cleansing Oil that goes with my skin type too. Just rub gently on the skin with your palms and then rinse it with the help of warm water.

Water-Based cleanser

Your very next step is to go with a non-oily cleanser because it removes all the dirt and oil that is left on the skin. First and oil is something that once they get attached to the skin they are not removed easily. But always remember that when you are choosing a cleanser it should have low PH.

If you will use high pH it can cause rash or irritation to your skin. You can choose the cleanser that is suitable for your skin. Give a proper massage and then you can wash your face with lukewarm water. Then you can use a towel to make dirt but do not rub your face as it can make your skin dry. 

Use a Toner

Toning your skin is one more essential thing that you must include in your schedule. It helps to give proper balance in the pH level. For those who have sensitive skin, they can use Vitamin C Face toner as it goes best and also avoid irritation.

Never skip Serum

Serums are another essential product because it helps us to solve some skin problems like pimples, acne, blemishes, dark spots, etc. If you want to boost your skin you need to use it. I go for hydrating serum because it makes my skin bright and refreshing, glow-up. Apply it properly and give a proper massage to it so that it gets absorbed into your skin. 


Don’t even think of neglecting the moisturizer after following all these steps. It will help you to nourish your skin and it prevents it from drying as it locks it in the skin. Just give a proper massage to your skin so that it looks refreshing. Do not skip just because your skin becomes oily or dark after using. It is one of the most essential parts of the skincare routine.

Use Sunscreen

Another important factor is sunscreen as it will protect you from UV rays. It is one of the most essential parts of your skin as it will protect you from all the dark spots and acne.

Tips for skin-care Routine

Apart from all these things that I have mentioned you need to take care of a few things that will make it brighter.

  • Drink water so that it can make your skin active and provide a natural glow.
  • Don’t take stress because it can cause pimples on your skin.
  • Do not wash your face ever with hot water.
  • You can use a roller to avoid all the puffiness.
  • Use an under-eye patcher if you have a problem with dark circles.
  • Use natural products on your skin.
  • Use a face mask.


The skin routine exists but only if you follow it correctly and with all the steps. If you want your skin best you need to make it more glowy and brighter. You need all these steps. According to me, you should never neglect your skin because it is one the largest parts of your body and you can look attractive only if you have a clear face.

So, do not try to look beautiful, because you are already gorgeous. What you need is a natural glow so that you can make it more attractive and brighter. Your natural skin is lost because of dirt and oiliness. So you need to fight them so that you can get your original skin back.

I can understand we all have a busy schedule and you can find it a very complex process because you have to complete other chores as well. If this is the thing, you can use moisturizer and sunscreen daily because it will protect you from all the dullness. You should always try to get the best for your skin. If you are using makeup then all these steps are compulsory so that your pores can remain locked. 

To have glow-up skin, it is your sole responsibility to protect it. No one will come and help you with that. Though these appear to be time taken but trust they only take a few minutes like 15-20 minutes, glow-up. I think instead of using a mobile in the morning you can adapt to these steps easily. If you have your office at a long distance then you can consider performing these steps on your way back as well.